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France visa visiteur

Immigration consultant's notes. The most popular immigration question of 2019.

We have been keeping a record of questions asked by customers & visitors of the center throughout the year for a long time. 2019 was no exception. After the New Year holidays, we summed up and it became clear that for the second year in a row, the winner is the following question (behind a clear advantage):

In which EU country can the citizen of the third country to obtain a residence permit during a minimum term and without investment?

Well, the answer also has not changed - in France. We are talking about a visa visitor (or guest), which allows you to live in France without the right to work, and, after a year spent in France, can be converted into Carte de Sejour, and then renewed annually.

Completely feasible financial requirements, rented housing, minimum insurance costs ...

A distinctive feature of a visitor’s visa is the fact that the applicant may be denied, as a rule, for one reason: the discrepancy between the reason for which the visa is requested and the applicant’s real goals.

Specialists of our company are ready to assist in obtaining visitor visas. Information is presented here:

The center was created as a result of the interaction of a group of Russian law and consulting firms with law firms in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, etc. The idea of creation is to provide comprehensive support to citizens of various countries interested in deepening international relations, finding partners, obtaining a residence permit and citizenship, acquiring business and real estate ...